Stewardship (noun)
stew·ard·ship | stü-ərd-ship
Stewardship is more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, volunteering for ministry and mission, and building relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity. The Stewardship Annual Appeal reminds us that our financial support, in the form of a pledge to the St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, is an essential component of our ability to carry out the work of the church. Whether we gather for worship inside our building, in our parking lot, or online, we continue to be the body of Christ through our ministries and our care for one another. While we don’t know what lies ahead, we are confident in the assurance of God’s abiding and steadfast love. Because of the generous and faithful gifts of our faith community, our church can keep nurturing life-giving, joyful ministries both inside and outside our parish walls. Your generous gifts help St. Mark's in the following ways:
St. Mark’s also offers an abundance of opportunities to give of your time and talent. Whether it is joining a ministry team or the vestry, it is only through your involvement that St. Mark’s can continue to build community and serve others in Christ. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us. Through our participation we share the material resources we hold, giving them in service, justice, and compassion. We provide for future generations, sharing in the life, worship, and responsible stewardship of the Church and of its mission. Stewardship is a joyful act for the individual, the community and for the sake of God's world. We look forward to celebrating a successful Annual Appeal and renewed energy and involvement in our ministries and leadership. |