To place your order CLICK HERE. Thank you for supporting St. Mark's! We hope you and your family have a happy and healthy Holiday Season!
SpotlightWant to access St. Mark's information, including member contacts, events, donations, and more? Visit our St. Mark's Breeze page in Breeze
Foxboro Food Pantry
Requested this month...soups & stews
Remember each Sunday: Our Foxboro neighbors know that we care when we bring one non-perishable item to share.
Items may be placed in the box outside the front doors 24/7, or in the box in the lobby under the coat rack when the building is open. Thank you for helping to support our local food pantry. One Family Laundry DetergentWe have a ongoing need for small bottles of laundry detergent, to help with our contributions to the One Family program that
provides families with children much needed household items each month. News Archives
August 2024